Full Tilt Poker Rake Race results through September 30th, 2009 (FINAL):
Place |
Player Name |
Rake |
Prizes |
1st |
applsgirl |
$20,267.49 |
$ 1,200.00 |
2nd |
Darktide |
$16,395.97 |
$ 850.00 |
3rd |
BrickDragon |
$8,018.61 |
$ 650.00 |
4th |
ure a towel |
$7,351.83 |
$ 475.00 |
5th |
bobby kraut |
$6,662.85 |
$ 325.00 |
6th |
Obabynow |
$5,518.65 |
$ 325.00 |
7th |
gogoGoGoGOOO |
$5,302.45 |
$ 225.00 |
8th |
6 feet under |
$5,222.96 |
$ 225.00 |
9th |
gamefreak237 |
$4,689.09 |
$ 150.00 |
10th |
a3u |
$4,638.22 |
$ 150.00 |
11th |
sizzlinbettas |
$4,563.15 |
$ 100.00 |
12th |
Bleed-Out |
$4,553.23 |
$ 100.00 |
13th |
FrozenEmpire |
$4,458.92 |
$ 75.00 |
14th |
skogsbarn |
$4,277.85 |
$ 75.00 |
15th |
Titanus1989 |
$4,149.39 |
$ 75.00 |
16th |
socialrunner |
$3,704.85 |
$ - |
17th |
hartlis2 |
$3,554.26 |
$ - |
18th |
CertifiedDon1 |
$3,456.65 |
$ - |
19th |
Rcaller |
$3,230.96 |
$ - |
20th |
danielcleaver |
$3,182.17 |
$ - |
21st |
acekingcobra |
$3,009.32 |
$ - |
22nd |
Im2Fast |
$2,929.43 |
$ - |
23rd |
Larceny101 |
$2,794.74 |
$ - |
24th |
maggoux |
$2,752.57 |
$ - |
25th |
LunisticTweak |
$2,583.96 |
$ - |
26th |
fightfishy |
$2,572.04 |
$ - |
27th |
ervinsm84 |
$2,490.01 |
$ - |
28th |
GreenEyes017 |
$2,484.87 |
$ - |
29th |
Donkey4Life |
$2,476.02 |
$ - |
30th |
casy151 |
$2,425.55 |
$ - |
Cereus Network (Absolute Poker/Ultimate Bet) Rake Race results through September 30th, 2009 (FINAL):
Place |
Player Name |
Rake |
Prizes |
1st |
theshow89 |
$8,628.52 |
$ 1,000.00 |
2nd |
voss1313 |
$7,833.63 |
$ 775.00 |
3rd |
Shafty12 |
$4,212.70 |
$ 600.00 |
4th |
cutiepie85 |
$3,615.70 |
$ 450.00 |
5th |
ALEWA808 |
$3,332.71 |
$ 300.00 |
6th |
nikeboy717 |
$3,220.41 |
$ 200.00 |
7th |
$1,817.06 |
$ 200.00 |
8th |
brain_candy |
$1,627.69 |
$ 125.00 |
9th |
Arizona77 |
$1,395.16 |
$ 125.00 |
10th |
$1,334.74 |
$ 50.00 |
11th |
$1,298.40 |
$ 50.00 |
12th |
DoanDiggy |
$1,291.40 |
$ 50.00 |
13th |
$1,229.12 |
$ 25.00 |
14th |
Hillary_Bluf |
$1,196.00 |
$ 25.00 |
15th |
$1,178.84 |
$ 25.00 |
16th |
JBass105 |
$1,154.95 |
$ - |
17th |
notallin247 |
$1,086.50 |
$ - |
18th |
jquila4u |
$1,032.70 |
$ - |
19th |
dmon2323 |
$928.98 |
$ - |
20th |
jscrub2010 |
$912.78 |
$ - |
21st |
princesspea6 |
$910.18 |
$ - |
22nd |
CupCake777 |
$886.76 |
$ - |
23rd |
$792.68 |
$ - |
24th |
1JohnD |
$754.48 |
$ - |
25th |
jeafoo |
$721.53 |
$ - |
26th |
bloodbath15 |
$717.30 |
$ - |
27th |
droLLz |
$713.43 |
$ - |
28th |
$695.79 |
$ - |
29th |
$618.30 |
$ - |
30th |
max_cheez |
$610.49 |
$ - |
Cake Poker Rake Race results through September 30th, 2009 (FINAL):
Place |
Player Name |
Rake |
Prizes |
1st |
CoreyBrewer |
$8,132.73 |
$ 850.00 |
2nd |
Yo Afro |
$5,265.04 |
$ 550.00 |
3rd |
4naterobNYK4 |
$4,278.62 |
$ 400.00 |
4th |
sltydg13 |
$4,054.30 |
$ 250.00 |
5th |
EverQuest |
$3,958.75 |
$ 250.00 |
6th |
cashedin |
$3,395.25 |
$ 150.00 |
7th |
Seat_0pen |
$3,350.55 |
$ 150.00 |
8th |
alexpower |
$3,311.62 |
$ 75.00 |
9th |
clowndik |
$3,015.49 |
$ 75.00 |
10th |
jimmy05 |
$2,512.39 |
$ 75.00 |
11th |
Bunsen |
$2,038.83 |
$ 35.00 |
12th |
AAholdings |
$1,752.64 |
$ 35.00 |
13th |
KungFu Fish |
$1,730.65 |
$ 35.00 |
14th |
botbot22 |
$1,516.91 |
$ 35.00 |
15th |
$1,477.18 |
$ 35.00 |
16th |
woggle |
$1,445.36 |
$ - |
17th |
SpielUhr |
$1,431.92 |
$ - |
18th |
Dhyanam |
$1,367.50 |
$ - |
19th |
DoesntMatter |
$1,288.19 |
$ - |
20th |
Oddiii |
$1,056.89 |
$ - |
21st |
$1,009.60 |
$ - |
22nd |
eatmefish808 |
$986.82 |
$ - |
23rd |
FuManWho |
$909.84 |
$ - |
24th |
*SYL* |
$875.66 |
$ - |
25th |
Wan Mirrion |
$833.80 |
$ - |
26th |
PatrkChewinG |
$814.44 |
$ - |
27th |
whatsontv |
$791.50 |
$ - |
28th |
HollaAtUrBoy |
$734.57 |
$ - |
29th |
sandcastle |
$657.76 |
$ - |
30th |
$636.62 |
$ - |
Players Only Rake Chase results through September 30th, 2009 (FINAL):
Player Name |
Rake |
Scale (Rake/Bonus) |
Bonus Remaining |
sckoutartist5579 |
$1,000.00 |
$500 - $50 |
9 out of 10 |
alien8tor |
$435.25 |
$1,000 - $100 |
4 out of 5 |
Sweet Pee |
$314.09 |
$2,000 - $200 |
5 out of 5 |
npl77 |
$253.98 |
$3,000 - $350 |
3 out of 3 |
jt2chan |
$228.06 |
$5,000 - $1,000 |
2 out of 2 |
Onthego591 |
$202.85 |
twnctyhustle |
$183.55 |
sydsavvy |
$48.67 |
flycolumbus |
$46.10 |
Lucky Nuts |
$16.42 |
ekovich |
$7.54 |
JBabin87 |
$5.20 |
sixty6 |
$5.20 |
Jew(Ish)Falcon |
$5.05 |
MikeyDrama |
$3.60 |
Jack9Clubs19 |
$3.04 |
NecessaryRufness |
$3.00 |
Neutronbomb |
$0.89 |
Rysen |
$0.75 |
wan118668 |
$0.50 |
AllIn990 |
$0.20 |
bulldogskin |
$0.04 |
Minted Poker Rake Chase results through September 29th, 2009:
Player Name |
Rake |
Scale (Rake/Bonus) |
Bonuses Remaining |
teelac74 |
$1xxx |
$250 - $25 |
9 out of 10 |
Bakalov |
$xxx |
$500 - $50 |
7 out of 8 |
blackellie |
$xxx |
$1,000 - $100 |
4 out of 5 |
TheTazz |
$x |
$2,500 - $250 |
3 out of 3 |
adot |
$x |
$4,000 - $400 |
3 out of 3 |
$8,000 - $1,000 |
2 out of 2 |